Monday, January 19, 2009

Class Exercise #1

First ever lecture exercise asked us to come up with a design that would improve our creativity by a hundred times, no limitations. And at first I was pondering – what exactly makes our creative juices flow? What triggers and invokes imagery from our imaginations? And I started imagining devices that somehow manipulated brainwaves so as to facilitate the thinking process and improve creativity.

Less than 5 seconds later, I stopped.

Now really, I thought to myself, isn’t the point of this exercise to be creative in coming up with a method of improving creativity? Certainly something as practical, as... industrial as this wasn’t going to be a creative answer in any form.

And then it hit me.


We see drunks getting into trouble all the time for doing something stupid, but every so often we do come across a story, also about a drunk, but with him or her displaying an incredible creativity, whether in personal affairs or that their cheeky responses to enquiries from authorities. Such creativity is rarely, if ever, shown by sober individuals.

And so the Alcoholic’s Best Friend was born.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

And So It Begins

Soooo... NM2208: Principles of Visual Communication. I bought a Wacom tablet for this module and for subsequent modules that might require drawing, and have no regrets about forking out close to $300 for it. It works wonders, and allows me to do sketches and drafts directly on my laptop itself, rather than having to draw it on paper and scan it in.

The Wacom tablet is also the source of the name of this blog – it’s quite literally a pen without ink. And this blog is intended to be a learning journal for NM2208. Here’s hoping that the learning journey will be a happy one.

Why do I say that?


This module went for 666 bidding points.


... Hopefully that’s not a bad omen.